Halloween and Thanksgiving without pumpkins. Life without apples, almonds, blueberries, avocados, oranges, and onions. What a nightmare. But, this isn’t just a Halloween scare, because bees are dying off at an alarming rate (businessinsider.com).

Photo by Fabian Keller on Unsplash

The Importance of Bees

The world wouldn’t be the same without bees, in a bad way. The value of bees’ pollination accounts for billions of dollars in the agriculture industry and the production of many fruits and vegetables would not be possible. Beekeeping and other industries, such as cosmetics, that use bee products rely on bees. Bees provide for countless ecosystems and food webs since they are prey and their pollination is essential for the growth of plants, including trees, which help combat climate change. 

Why Are Bees Disappearing?

Bees are disappearing due to colony collapse. Colony collapse disorder describes a phenonmenon where the majority of worker bees in a colony disappear. Most of the time, the disappearance of a colony does not have a single cause, rather it is a combination of problems that kills bees. Issues include but are not limited to parasites, infections, mites, pesticides, climate change, and malnutrition. Colony collapse disorder does not yet have cure but several charities are resarching ways to improve bee’s healths. Other charities aim to support beekeepers and to inform the general public. You can show your support and appreciation to bees, beekeepers, and the effort towards helping them by donate to these following charities.

Bee Informed Partnership

The Bee Informed Partnership is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity with a noble mission. It works closely with beekeepers, large to small scale, to improve the health of bee colonies. The first part of solving a problem, why bees are disappearing, is to understand it. The BIP collects vital, timely data on management practices, and factors that affect bees’ health they share this data with the public and beekeepers. To support BIP and their goal, donate here!

Pollinator Partnership

Pollinator Partnership partners up with different organizations to research ways to improve the health of bees. They secure funding to understand the environmental factors affecting bees, promote optimal management for commercial beekeeping, and secure foraging opportunities for bees. Another portion of Pollinator Partnership’s funding goes to other ailing pollinators, such as butterflies. Donate to the Pollinator Partnership here

The Bee Conservancy

Founded in 2009, The Bee Conservancy (formerly The Honeybee Conservancy) is dedicated to protecting the bees in North America. There are 20,000 species of bees worldwide, with 4,000 in America. One-fourth of the species here are at the risk of extinction with more than half of species declining. The Bee Conservancy also strives to build community and preserve the environment by creating bee sanctuaries. Bee sanctuaries are beehives or bee houses placed in zoos, urban and green spaces that function as homes for bees and an educational resource. The Bee Conservancy’s education programs have inspired thousands of people to take better care of the environment and their community gardens have provided food for many. Make a tax-deductible contribution to The Bee Conservancy here to support the greater good. 

Project Apis m.

Project Apis m (PAm) is the go-to organization at the interface of honey bees and pollinated crops. Since 2006, they have infused over $8.5 million into honey bee research and $2.9 million into forage programs, resulting in better pollination and increased crop yields for growers, and lower losses and better honey production for beekeepers. They work closely with commercial beekeepers, growers, and top bee scientists in the USA and Canada to fund projects and direct strategic efforts focused on practical solutions. PAm funds studies, offers graduate scholarships to encourage careers in pursuit of science-based solutions to honey bee challenges, and has expanded efforts to put forage on the landscape where bees need it most. They are a 501(c)5 nonprofit organization governed by an eleven-member board of stakeholders representing major national and state industry organizations, and an additional seven-member Science Advisory Board. Donate to Project Apis m here.

Planet Bee Foundation

Planet Bee Foundation focuses on educating the new generation about the importance of a green, sustainable world, and the role bees play in it. They seek to inspire curiosity, environmental awareness, and individaul action by collaborating with schools, summer camps, environmental centers, community gardens, and businesses. Planet Bee aspires to make students and adults fell empowered to change and protect the world they live in. To support Planet Bee Foundation’s goal of spreading awareness and building community, donate here

Operation Honey Bee

Operation Honey Bee aims to promote sustainable agricultural practices. Pesticides that are highly toxic to bees and humans are still being used, dropped from planes, polluting the earth and water. Operation Honey Bee is recognized as a Charitable Tax Deductable Non-Profit, with 100% of their donations going towards advocacy and stopping harmful agricultural corporations. Buy their merchandise here.

World Bee Project

The World Bee Project is based in Britain. They advocate for sustainable ecosystems for pollinators and humans and improved food security and nutrition. It is the first private organization to monitor the health of honey bees around the globe with cloud computing, collecting data from connected beehives. Data collected includes how weather patterns, diseases, parasites, pesticides, etc. affect bees. The World Bee Project has partnered with Oracle Cloud and the University of Reading. Using Oracle Cloud’s artificial intelligence and data visualization, the World Bee Project pushes at the edge of technology to find a way to save the bees. They then collaborate with beekeepers, farmers, scientists, and governments. These people can then make progress in protecting pollinators and the environment. Donate to the World Bee Project here.

Bees, among other pollinators, play a vital role in the economy and our food source. They protect the planet and ensure healthy ecosystems and food webs too. These pollinators face numerous perils, such as habitat loss, or death by pesticides, which are caused by humans. Although humans are partially responsible for the destruction of pollinators, humans have the capability to find solutions. Everyone has the honor and the duty to preserve their home, Earth, and the creatures that live on it. Make a change for the better by donation to the above charities and spreading awareness.

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